C/C++ Operators| C Operators | My CS Tutorial - My CS Tutorial


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Thursday, June 6, 2019

C/C++ Operators| C Operators | My CS Tutorial

In this post,you will read about C/C++ Operators.
We use the Operators almost in every C/C++ program.It is very useful in C/C++ language.

Operators in C | My CS Tutorial

C/C++ Operators

In C/C++ language, Operators are some symbols which tell the Compiler(computer) to exicute proper operation as mathematical or logical operations.
C operators are classified in eighth categories which are following...

  1. Arithmetic Operator
  2. Logical Operator
  3. Assaiment Operator
  4. Relational Operator
  5. Increment and Decrement Operator
  6. Conditional Operator
  7. Bitwise Operator
  8. Special Operator

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are use for perform arithmetic operations.
All arithmetic operators are use in C/C++ language as +,-,*,/,%

 Operator            meaning

     +                       addition
     -                        subtraction
    *                        multiplication
    /                         division
   %                       modulo divison


x+y        //  for addition

x-y        // for subtraction

x*y      // for multiplication

x/y      // for devide

x%y   // for reminder

Logical Operators 

In C/C++ language, we use logical operators when we exicute more than one condition. Logical operators provide three operators which are as follows...

Operator           Meaning

&&                      logical AND

  ||                         logical OR

  !                          logical NOT

Operators           Description

&&                     It is use for performing
                           logical conjunction of
                           two expressions.

 ||                         It is use for performing
                            logical disjunction of two

 !                          It is use for performing
                            negation on two                                             expressions.



Assaiment Operators

Assaiment operators is a type of operators which is use for assign the result of an expression.'=' is assaiment operator.
In assaiment operators,many operators involved which are as follows...

Operators              meaning


+=                     increment then assign

-=                      decrement then assign

*=                     multiple then assign

/=                      divide then assign

%=                    modul then assign

<<=                   shift left and assign

&=                    bitwise AND assign

>>=                   shift right and assign

^=                     bitwise exclusive OR                              and essign

|=                     bitwise inclusive OR                              and essign


sum +=i;

Relational Operators

Relational operators are important operators in c/c++ language. It is use for comparing two values in a C/ C++ program.
Which are as follows...

Operators           meaning

==                                  for equal

!=                                   for not equal

<                                    less than

>                                    greater than

<=                                  less than or equal

>=                                  greater than or equal




Increment or Decrement

These operators are use for increase or decrease the value.Increment operator adds 1 and decrement operator subracts 1 from operand.
It is mostly use in loops.

Operator                meaning

++                            increment operator

--                              decrement operator




Conditional Operator

It is use for make a conditional statement. It has three conditions in a statement.( ? : )  use in conditional operator.

Operator               meaning

  ? :                          conditional operator





Bitwise Operator

Bitwise operator is a powerfull feature of C/C++ language which is use for manipulate(test) the bits and it shift the bits on left or right.It have many operators which are as follows...

Operator                   meaning

<<                               left shift

>>                               right shift

&                                AND

|                                 OR

^                                 XOR

~                                ones complement

Special Operators

Special operators are very usefull.It has three operators which are following.....

Operator                meaning

size of ()            return the size of                                   a memory location

&                         return the address                                of a memory location

*                         pointer to a variable



All these operators are use in C/C++ language. Every operator is important in C programing language.
I hope that you will understand properly.If you have any problem(question) so you can give comment in bellow.

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