C program to find area of rectangle - My CS Tutorial


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Friday, June 14, 2019

C program to find area of rectangle

In this tutorial we will find the area of rectangle.
Whenever we find the area of ​​a rectangle, then we should know its length and breadth for it.


  • In this program we take three variables where lenght,breadth and area's value will be store.
  • We declared these variables in float data type.
  • Then we will enter the value of length and breadth of a rectangle.
  • We use a logic as area=len*bre 
  • When we use this statement the value of length and breadth multiplication of a rectangle will be store in area variable.
  • Then we will print the area of rectangle.

C program code

void main()
float len;
float bre;
float area;

printf("\n Enter the value of length=");

printf("\n Enter the value of breadth=");


printf("\n The area of rectangle is=");

Output 1:

Output 2:

This program is very simple. Whenever we find the area of ​​a rectangle, then we should know its length and breadth for it.So we use these three variables as len for length, bre for breadth and area.

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