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Friday, February 7, 2020


Effective communication BSc Computer Science MJPRU

Exam Papers          

Effective Communication 2019 – BSc Computer Science

Paper code: 13501


B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)

Examination, 2019Paper No. 1.1


Time: Three Hours]               [Maximum Marks: 50

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions in your own words:

            Free and impartial press is the first need of a democratic country. It is also recognized as the fourth estate; it is the very backbone of enlightened citizenship. It continues not only to give news, but it also comments on them, and deals with social, political, economic ans religious problems. The process is and organ of public opinion on all kinds of questions of human life. There is hardly a question concerning the society which does not fall within the range of newspaper’s comments.

The press occupies a high place in modern life. The power of the king have been curtailed, the power of the irresponsible officers are on the wane, but the power of the press is growing day by day. It can build sound public opinion. It is a great public educator. It educates the public mind in various branches of learning. It is also a source of social reform. It exposes the corrupt practices of those who are in power and the evils of the authority. It helps in solving the grievances of the masses. It raises its voice against social evils like dowry system, Caste-ism, un-touchability, child marriage etc. In fact, the Indian press has done a great service in the direction of widow re-marriage, inter-cast marriages, and education of women. The press is also a source of solace to the unmarried and the unemployed.

The press is a great force in our political life. The success of democracy depends on the sound and responsible working of the press. It teaches is our rights and duties in a democratic country. It keeps us in touch with the proceedings in the parliament and assemblies. It plays a significant role during general election in the country.


(i) What is the importance of press in a democracy?

(ii) How does the press mould public opinion ?

(iii) Can the press bring out social reform in our country?

(iv) How does the press teach people their rights and duties?

2. Write a letter to your baker telling him not to deliver any bread while you are on holiday.

3. Write a letter to the Watch Co. complaining that the watch lately bought from them does not keep good time.

4. Answer the following advertisement:

Wanted a clerk with a good knowledge of English and Arithmetic. Apply to manager, New Press, Prayagraj.

5. Explain stress and differentiate primary stress and secondary stress with examples.

6. Say whether the following statements are true of false:

    (i) Vowels are like the consonants called ‘approximants’ as far as their articulation is concerned.

    (ii) If the front of the tongue is the active articulator during the articulation of vowel, the hard palate is the passive articulator .

    (iii) The ‘center’ of the tongue lies opposite the meeting point between the hard and soft palates when the speech organs are at rest.

    (iv) The part of the tongue that lies immediately behind the back of the tongue is called ‘center’ of the tongue.

    (v) The position of the lips is an important criterion for the classification and description of vowels.

    (vi) Front rounded vowels don not exist because there are no such vowels in English and Tamil.

    (vii) there is one to one correspondence between letters and sounds in English.

    (viii) the number of sounds and letters in English is not the same.

    (ix) One letter or a combination of letters in English may represent different sounds at different places.

    (x) Different letters or combination of letters may represent the same sound.

7. Use correct form of verbs in any ten of the following sentences :

    (i) You ever (be) to Paris.

    (ii) My friend always (smoke) in Germany.

    (iii) He was found guilty of murder and (hang)

    (iv) He (play) chess when he was young.

    (v) He (arrive) by next Monday.

    (vi) He (wait) for you for two hours.

    (vii) You already (sleep) six hours.

    (viii) Bid him (go) from here.

    (ix) They build houses that (cost) a lot of money.

    (x) They boy fell down while he (run).

    (xi) the light went out while I (have) tea.

    (xii) Those who think more (speak) less.

………………….End of this paper ………………….

Thank You!

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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN

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