Evolution of Visual Basic | Object Model,properties and languages | My CS Tutorial - My CS Tutorial


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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Evolution of Visual Basic | Object Model,properties and languages | My CS Tutorial

In this post we will discuss what is visual basic, GUI, its developer, its uses and evolution of Visual Basic.

We will use Visual Basic to create a program. As mainly all users use Facebook, in the first we will login in Facebook that login form is created by Visual Basic. So let's start what is GUI and Visual Basic and its evolution.


Graphical user interface [ GUI ] uses graphical icons to represent operations by pointing to an icon, using a mouse and clicking buttons. Various operations are initiated. Most applications programs such as word processor, visual basic have GUI which make them easy to use.


Visual basic evolute from basic language developed in 1980. The primary purpose of the basic language was to help people learn " HOW TO CREATE A PROGRAM ". Basic is mainly used with various type of computer. Visual basic adds too many modification to the language with the development of the Microsoft Window. GUI in the late 1980 and early 1990.
The natural evolution of basic was visual basic. Which was created by Microsoft Cooperation in 1981.


Developer of Visual basic is Microsoft. Visual Basic can be defined as integrated development environment (IDE), and an event-driven and third-generation programming language.





There are literally hundreds of programming languages. Each was developed to solve a particular type of problem. Most traditional language such as BASIC,COBOL,C,FORTAN and PASCAL are considered procedural languages. I.e. the program specifies the exact sequence of all observation.

The newer programming such as C++,VISUAL BASIC use a different approach---(OOP)

Microsoft refers to visual basic as an event driven programming language which has many but not all features of an object oriented such as JAVA. 


In the Visual Basic we will work with objects which have properties and methods.


Object is a real world entity with some characteristics and behaviors. Example of object are forms and controls. 
Forms are the windows and dialogue boxes. We place on the screen.
Controls are the elements we place incide a form such as text boxes, command buttons and list bars.


Properties tell something about on object. Such as name, cellular size, location or how it will behave.
When we refer to a property, we first name the object, add a period ( . ), and then name the property.

Example:-  Refer to the caption property of a form as form1.caption ( say " form1(.)caption " )


Action associated with object are called methods. Methods are the base of object oriented programming. Some typical method are move, print, resize and clear.

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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN

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